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Using lecture note cards

I don’t like the idea of being stuck in front Of a podium having to read my lecture notes from A Book During lecture. Having notes on 3x5 cards Is a great idea for me to be able to move around
The class room and engage the students. I will Definitely bring that idea back to the class Room with Me. Thank You!

Hi Brian,
You will surprised at how much interaction you can get from your students by moving around and among them. Plus your movement allows your students to visually follow you and by following you with their eyes it gives their brains a brief break. Things like your movement or pausing for 5 seconds allows learners to take a breath and refocus their brains then they are ready to go ago. Instructors need to use all of these techniques to keep students engaged especially when they teach courses that last for several hours.
Good luck with your teaching.

Dr. Meers,
I find another cleaver way of using note cards with lectures is to hand some of them out to the students and have them take turns in the proper sequence to present the material. It really helps them get involved...Along with this I like to use the entire room(you know the surround sound effect)...I find walking around benefits both the students and myself...They can see me, the interaction becomes more personal and I will sometimes let the student with the card stand in front and lead the discussion while I sit in their seat...of course this opens up a whole host of interaction where I can then interject a little humor by talking to one of the students next to me like they would...or perhaps asking a question like; "is it lunch yet?"...the students all laugh even the one in charge, then suddenly you can see they realize what its like being in the drivers seat and some/most will ask the class to focus or will make a comment back to me like; Sir, I don't believe that item or question was course related. I will even have them pick other students and ask question of them...They seem to really enjoy the process and it engages all of them...focus is not an issues.
While they are having fun they suddenly or perhaps later will realize they just learned a new concept or procedure.

Hi Joseph,
Thank you for sharing these great strategies. You are using methods that involve all of the students and keeps them engaged. I am sure many of the participants will benefit from this sharing. This is creative teaching and is rewarding for both the students and yourself.

I tend to use PowerPoint for my lectures. I make sure that I know my material well enough to talk from my slides. This give me the opportunity to walk around the classroom and deliver from other areas of the class. The students like this because it makes them feel more involved,plus they need to pay attention, because I may be by them next.

I agree. Notecards are a descreet and professional way to keep lecture notes organized.

What a great idea.

Hi Joseph,
Good luck with your efforts. I am sure you are going to have some great lectures in the coming weeks.

I have not tried note cards yet but I always move around the classroom during lecture. I find that not only does it benefit the students but it also benefits me.

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