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Meeting the Class for the first time

I always like to introduce myself and let everyone, introduce theirselves, so they can get to know one another.I like to give them the course outline and the syllabus, so they can no what to expect, when they come to class.

The introduction time is so important because it helps the students to get settled into the course and learning about their classmates. While this is going on they are assessing how they feel about the course as well as you their instructor. Upon completion of these session the students should feel very comfortable about the class and their ability to be successful in the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I always intoduce myself and tell the students my background, set my expectations about the class and ask the students to introduce themselves.

Hello! My name is Silena Rascoe,I work at Miller-Motte in Greenville N.C. I have two wonderful kids and one grandchild. I love teaching and I love Max knowledge, it helps me to better my teaching skills.

Like the way you start the class off. This way everyone can get to know each other and more about you. This sets the tone for how the class is going to operate.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Great to meet you Silena, What is your favorite part of being a teacher? Do you teach in a classroom or lab setting?

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

This is my second semester teaching. I introduce myself at the beginning of class.I explain to them that I have a medical background.I take attendance. This helps me with names and faces. I think the students needs to feel comfortable within their surroundings. If the instructor is at ease, the students will be also. This will help them enjoy the class.

This is a nice way to ease into a new class. This way you and the students have heard the names and have learned a little about each other. From there on it is a building process as everyone works together.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Most of my classes are small, so I find that on the first day, as well as at other key points in the semester, sitting around a table while introducing the course or discussing course material creates a comfortable atmosphere that puts everyone at ease.

I like classes this size as well for the reasons you list. Sitting around a table and chatting is a great way to each and give respect and from there you can move on to rapport development.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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