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Do you find pretests to be beneficial at the first class?

I use a fun pretest that we take and discuss the first class meeting. It is a form of ice breaker but it does give me a good idea of the knowledge base my students have about my subject area. This helps me with my instructional planning and selection.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Pretests allow teachers to see if what is being covered in the lesson or unit is already mastered. Pretests help measure true learning. By comparing pre and posttests, teachers can see what students actually learned from the lessons that were developed. Pretests can give students a preview of what will be expected of them. This helps students begin to focus on the key topics that will be covered.

I am a big fan of pretesting myself. I use pretests in all my courses for the reasons you state. The results give me a baseline from which I can select my content more accurately for that group of students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Yes, pretests are beneficial at the first day of class. I teach mathematics and give a pretest that doesn't count on the first day of class. It gives me an idea as to which students have the basic math foundation entering the course and which ones will probably need extra help to be successful in the course.

A lot of the students get upset when they hear they're having a test the first day of class, but that goes away when they learn it doesn't count. To ensure each student does their best and takes the test seriously, I give an extra five points on the first exam that is counted towards their grade, if they score 65 or better.

I use pretesting as a way to get a baseline on my students. I find it really helps me with my instructional planning. I like the way you encourage your students to do their best but without the pressure of taking a test that counts. Thanks for sharing this strategy with us.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have not used pretests yet in my courses, however I think I would like to try them after taking this course and reading these posts. I especially like the idea of pretesting myself! It seems like a good way to take the students perspecetive as well as brush up on my content!

I think you will like results you get from pretesting. I know pretesting has been valuable to me in getting a baseline on my students and then selecting my instructional content based upon what I have learned about my current enrollees.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I do. I find pretest very useful tools for the first class as well as prior to the midterm and final exam. Typically I use a first class pretest for Syllabus related content and the Mid/Final Exam pretest I like to use as a study guide once corrected.

I use pretesting as well because I feel that the results give me insight into where are my students in terms of their knowledge base and I can plan my instructional content and delivery from there.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

We use a pretest in the last course of the students' program, but I think I will try and implement a pretest in each of their modules. I really like the idea, it not only gives them an idea of where they are at, what to expect to learn during their module, but what they also need to know at the end.

I have been using pretests for years and they have proven to be so helpful for the reasons you list. I know you are going to like the results you get with your use of pretests in each of their modules.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I've never thought of using pretests on the first day. This seems like a great idea. A pretest could be an opportunity to show students what the test and quiz format will be like. The pretest will allow students to see what information will be covered in class. It seems like this would take some of the mystery out of class and make students feel more comfortable and acclimated. Going over the answers for the pretest will generate relevant discussions. This can provide a good ice-breaker for the beginning of the semester.

I have used pretesting for many years in my classes and I really like the results I get from using them. The points you make about the value that can be derived from them are why I use them. They give me a baseline to plan from instruction around as well as help to settle my students into the class.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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