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Introduction Icebreakers

I utilize students introducing themselves not only as a tool for me to get to know something about the student, but also as an icebreaker to help the student learn about each other and to take away anxiety a student may be experiencing.

I do the same thing with good results. This method helps the students to get settled into the course and feeling comfortable in their new setting.

Dr. Gary Meers

On the first day of class,I get the students introduce themselves and tell a little about themselves and why they chose to take this class.

I also have the students introduce themselves and why they chose to take the course. It is a good way of getting to know each other and they seem to become friends and I feel that they help one another out during the course. I also try incorporate the different personalities with the course. It does help them understand things.

I have done the same thing for each class that I have taught. Also, when I was sub. I did the same thing as to learn the students names and for them to get to know me. I felt as I was breaking the ice and could easy into lecture with the tension out of the way.

I ask students to introduce themselves and tell everyone a fun fact about their life or in general. The students really seem to enjoy it.

I have done the same thing and have good results,by introducing themselves and why they are in the class seem to give them self respect.

This lets them see that they are all there for the same general reasons and that is to be successful and further their career development. Having this understanding helps them to see how they fit in the class.

Dr. Gary Meers

I like to do that in the first class as well.
You can really find out about the who the person really is.

You sure can, plus they are fun to do with the students and helps them to get settled comfortably into the course.

Dr. Gary Meers

I thought I would find silly slides with animals with big teeth something to laugh at the begginning and the end of the lecture.

Go for it! I use things like this all the time to the point that the students are disappointed when I don't use them. Also, they start to bring me silly slides because they know I will enjoy them. This gives me a great connection with the students in the development of rapport.

Dr. Gary Meers

I teach nursing students and they have all answered why they want to be a nurse hundreds of times. I ask them different things like: Tell us something about you that most people don't know. It makes it easier to remeber who that student is.

You are making the information personal and this important for the students to talk about. This way they can see how their own personality will fit into the nursing profession and how they can help others.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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