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Do an internet search for icebreakers, I use many and it helps student bond, relax, and get to know eachother.

Thanks I did and a good one is the name game. There are a few others like each person tells a story of the best moment of there life or what is your favorite food.

Good idea


I like icebreakers and use them but I would just add that like most things you can have too much of a good thing. My caution would be to make it short, not too much of a gimmick, and make it an extension of your personality. I say that because if you try to do something too clever and can't pull it off, you may create a harmful first impression rather than a good one. Trying to be a comedian when you are a serious person may not work to your advantage.

I like to have them each tell something about themselves, study, where they were born, number of people in their family, favorite food, and then something a little less ordinary, like favorite cartoon character.

I like is one. I often use something you think people should no more about. But i like the short answers.

one would be one word to describe the class (what do they think the class will be all about?)

I also use the internet for quick fun filled ice breakers. Great way to get to the know the new students and for them to learn from each other! My favorite one is the game using the first initial of their name and an animal they most admire!

Hi Ginneh,
Thanks for sharing one of the icebreakers you use with your students. Most of us are always on the look out for icebreakers we can use. I think they really help to get a class off to a good start.

thank you for the tip but would you send me some of the good sites you use for this icebreaker or even for different instructional styles. thanks

I strongly agree with your assesment sir

I have them fill out a sheet with different questions (if you could have superpowers what would it be) then I use it throughout the course and play games with it. they seem to like it

As a student I always found icebreakers to be corny, but now as an instructor I find that they might be more useful than I had previously thought...even if they still are corny :)

Hi Scot,
Yes, for many icebreakers can be seen as being corny but when I use them in conjunction with humor we all get a good laugh from the icebreaker responses while getting to know each other better. In the end I have all my students participating and having fun as we get the course off to a good start. The key is for the instructor to be comfortable in using them. If he/she isn't then they aren't going to work well and the students won't like doing them.

I list what I want them to share, and I have students pair up and introduce each other to the class. I include a favorite movie or book or type of music. I have found that many students will bring up movies that others like and the atmosphere in the class lightens.

An icebreaker that I used for my first class was to have the student write down 4 things about themselves (1. Their favorite food to snack on while studying. 2. Where they grew up. 3. Their major. 4. What they hope to learn from the class.) Then I have them pair up with someone who they don't know and introduce themselves to each other. We then go around the room and their partner has to introduce them and what they put on the card without reading it off of the card. It's a great way for them to learn more about each other and for me to learn what they expect to gain from the class.

Hi Janelle,
Thanks for sharing this great icebreaker with us. It is one that promotes interaction and communication. This will be of help to new instructors trying to find icebreakers that will work in their classes.

For my classes I use a couple brain teasers that I found online and seem to get the students thinking.

One such teaser is about being in the dessert with 5 animals: 1.) Lion, 2.)Monkey, 3.) Horse, 4.) A Sheep, and 5.) A cow.

The lion represents pride, the cow basic necessities, the monkey our children, sheep represents our friends, and the horse represents our drive or desire...

The jist of the scenario is that in order to make it through the desert, you will have to eliminate all but one of the animals.

It is really entertaning to hear the students responses after they learn what each animal means. The best response though is when they say " I thought this class was going to be boring, I actually think I might like it".

I ask them about thier reasons for entering into this profession. Some of my students have very strong/emotional reasons for wanting to become a therapist and I think that it makes the other students who aren't as passionate right away, reexamine thier reasons for thier choice in profession. This also leads to other conversation about life experiences and helps the students bond more strongly.

What websites do you use to find brain teasers such as the one you listed?

Hi Kelly,
This is a great icebreaker. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am always looking for more icebreakers and this one is a keeper.

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