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Great information on preparing a syllabus. I find that the syllabus is a great outline for the students.

When I first started college teaching, I felt the syllabus was just a formality the college wanted (to check on my professionalism).

Well, once I started to develop mine, I began to see its importance. It has now become one of the main tools for getting students off on the right path to success in my class. Much of what I put into it, I used to put into additional hand-outs and my introductory "mini-lecture."

I now realize a good syllabus puts all the information in a neat, understandable package. My syllabus improves each time I start a new class. This course should help me get it nearly perfect sooner.

Hi Alice,
Great to hear about how syllabus development has occurred for you. It is a great way to lay out your requirements, expectations, and policies. This gives everyone the same knowledge about how the course is going to operate.

I utilize my syllabus everyday. I have not had the opportunity to develop one, but I rely on it so much just for myself. Also, with several different class times for identical classes, it ensures that each instructor is teaching the same thing in each class.

Hi Ginny,
A syllabus is a valuable teaching tool if used as you are doing it. It does help with consistency throughout the program.

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