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First impressions

What I tend to do is, depending on the size of the class, I go around the room and have them say who they are, where they're from, what they are doing here (at the school), and what do they hope to accomplish. Sometimes it goes quick, sometimes some students have much to say which, if I feel it is, sometimes ties to some of the course objectives.

Hi Kelly,
Right you are. It helps the students to get settled and ready for the course to come.

Having the students tell a little bit about themselves is a great way for everyone to get to know each other. It relaxes the class and is also a great way to remember each student.

Since this is my first meeting with the class, I believe that proper introduction is inorder to help everyone feel at ease. Not only will they know a little about me and my professional background, they will also realize that I mean business. Other student will also feel more at ease after knowing other students who are part of the same class.

Only one first impression. I have found that if I set the tone right away of being on the same level as them, they listen. I never understood talking down to someone else. If you give them a sense of respect right off the start, they will give it back and it will continue.

never get a second chance to make first impressions therefore i always use this opportunity to convey my professionalism, affinity for teaching as well as for nursing and integrity on my first meeting with students

It is always a good idea to break the ice by going around the group and have a brief introduc tion of everyone. A lot of information gets generated in this way.

Yes, it is extremly important that your students connect with you and see you as a person as well. The introduction part is a nessacary componet. It sounds like you are on the right track by discussing your degrees...because the students see you more in the professional light instead of just the person standing in front of them. They will be awed because hearing all the degress is impressive and they two will want to be able to say the same thing to someone else.

You only make a first impression once .It will set the tone for the rest of the course

This is the same first day introduction I use. I first begin with introducing myself and what degrees I have and how I came to be in nursing. I then ask them to introduce themselves. They state if they have any kids and or married and what level of education they have completed. I then ask why did they decide on a nursing career. This helps me in evaluating the students progress later on in the term. This also makes the day a little more light hearted. When I did this last term I had one student who talked for aproximately 30 minutes. He was so entertaining I let him go on with his story. All the students enjoyed it. I felt the students were more at ease after he spoke.

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