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Attire in the classroom

Does appearance really set forth the outlook students have on their instructors more than the comprehensive knowledge of the information being learned.

Hi Jason,
Appearance and knowledge complement each other. If you are teaching a course on dental assisting and you come to class wearing old stained sweats with a lab coat that has holes in it and needs washing you will be affecting student outlooks. The key is to dress appropriately and then share your knowledge. This will go a long way in helping you to earn the respect of your students.

I am the Program Director in the Medical Assisting Dept. at Miller- Motte Technical college and I wear my scrubs when I go to class. I am in the medical field and I teach students that are going into the medical field, so I have to set an example on how a Medical Assistant should look when they are going on their externship. The appearnece can either help you get a job or it can hurt you. I tell my students their cloths have to be clean, ironed, and shoes have to be clean, white and professional looking. If I went to class in street clothes they might look at me differently as a professional and as an instructor. So your appearance is very important. Shirley Cross

Hi Shirley,
You made your point very well. Sometimes when my students don't want to dress for their careers, I remind them of the "Golden Rule". The person with the gold sets the rules, so if you want to get ahead in your field you are going to have to adhere to the professionals standards of that field.

In my field we must dress according to the weather. However, one can still appear professional even in the worst conditions.

Hi Vic,
You make a good point. Professional is professional.

Hi Jason, I think attire is so important, we make our judgement about a person within the first 30 seconds of meeting them. If you look professional you will be respected more.

Hello All,

The question is... Do you as an instructor want your name on a student that does not look the part of the job they have studied to apply for? If they see you do it then they think "Hey, my instructor did it and landed a job, so can I!"

Hi Windi,
Good question. As instructors we do leave some form of impression upon our students and that impression is reflected out in the work world for others to see how effective we were in our instruction. This is why being a model to and for our students is so important.

To answer you question---Yes! As everyone knows you only have one opportunity to make a good first impression. Why not make it a good one? If a student or instructor looks sloppy or dresses like a gangster then he will be perceived as one. I think both students and instructors should adhere to their specific campus dress code.

Hi Lloyd,
Wells said. That is what modeling is all about. Presenting a professional image for a professional career area.

First impressions are based on appearance. When your students meet you for the first time, what they see initially is your appearance, not your knowledge. They assume you are qualified because you are the instructor, but the easiest way to gain their confidence is by how you present yourself the first day.

When I enter the classroom, my confidence in my knowledge of the subject matter I am to teach is expressed in my professional attire. Students are more likely to trust you can teach them if you fit what they have in mind an instructor should look like.

Students will know if you can teach them -- if your knowledge is comprehensive through your lecture -- what is key in your first meeting is setting the standard for what a professional in their chosen career is supposed to look like.

We expect our students to come to class & lab dressed appropriately. They in turn expect the same from us.

Hi Mirwais,
Well said. You have a real good perspective of the role that the instructor plays in the educational process. Thank you for sharing your thought.

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