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I think the unpredictability of instruction and its demands for quick thinking is what makes it exciting and enjoyable. If the instructor is truly responsive to the needs of their class, the work can never be too routine.

When working with student your going to have some mishaps, this is good because it gives you the opertunity to exsercise real world application while in a class invierment.Student can see what they learn, who to use it in the feild.

I agree with your post. However, one thing I feel strongly about is knowing your material and lesson plan inside and out. With the strength of knowledge and perfect planning comes the ability to modify and adapt as needed to hit those curveballs out of the park for a home run.

Hi All

I agree with everyone's view. My question is how is flexibility taught? Or is it gained thought experience and introspection? Watching other flexible instructors and perhaps trying their approach?

Hi John,
I agree, as an instructor, you have to be ready to adapt, improvise, and overcome any and all situations.

Frank this is vary true!!!

First day jitters? Every time!! It's like a performer going out on stage. If the jitters aren't there...something is amiss. If you know your course content, and have a firm grip on the direction you will be going, the jitters subside rather quickly. I am a very laid back person, but I still get those butterflies on the first day. I spend a few minutes going over the roster, pronouncing the names, and putting faces to them, and give a brief history of my background in the field. I then open up the discussion for the students to contribute any relevant experiences. It helps both my jitters, and the students apprehension.

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