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Reading from Texts

I am in my second semester as an instructor and read in the online course that reading from the text is not recommended. Is it better to have the students share in the reading? When I discuss my experiences as they relate to the lesson, everyone perks up and they get involved. Is there a better way to share the text other than memorizing?

Hi Joe,
Students really enjoy direct applications and hearing about real world situations. Keep on sharing these stories with your students. Just make sure that you stay focused with your examples, because students are great at getting instructors off course.
I try and use my text books as supports to the course content and when I have the students read them I give them structured outlines for them to follow. This way they stay zeroed in on the key points of the text. I have found that just reading the text quickly becomes boring for everyone.

i agree with you on boring students. taking breaks from texts with lots of examples helps break the tedium and reinforces entusiasm in the topic.

If possible i try to find a way for students to apply text book information into real world scenarios i.e. Text microphone placement i go over with my class, immediately following the reading, i have them setup a microphone and practice proper microphone placement. However this may not apply in all fields.

I must agree trying to put a real world spin on the textbook seems to keep the students attention. I always try to highlight certain areas that I want to make sure to cover in the textbook but yet try and relate it to my outside industrial experience. So far this seems to be working with great results as my students grades have improved, and they seem to be more willing to participate in the classroom discussions.

Hi Lee,
What you are doing is making "real world" applications to newly acquired knowledge. This is what career training is all about.

A great deal of emphasis, or the need for text book reading, would seem to be contigent upon what subject is being taught. For example, if this were a reading course, then reading among students would be apropriate with regular reinforcement and repetion from the instructor. On the other hand , if it were highly technical in nature,a precise checklist presentation with intermiitant explanation would more aptly apply. Either way, the classromm presentation should flow in a manner that allows input and involvement from all students

My course content comes from a government publication. Real world examples work well where appropriate. My major problem is keeping the students motivated toward studying the material, not just studying test your knowledge questions and answers. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Hi E,
I would suggest that you break down the material into small "chunks" of information. Let the students study the material and then make application. These mini-lessons will keep the students focused and then let them apply what they have learned.

I agree trying to put a real world spin on the textbook seems to keep the students attention.

Hi LaChandra,
Good comments about trying to make the content real. Do you use handouts along with your text?

I agree with Mr. LaChandra.

To give a real world example that relates to the topic will greatly increase a student's attention. Most students I have taught retain better when a complicated topic has a real world example to follow

Some times reading from the text is unavoidable. As mentioned in many of the responses "real world" experience helps. Depending on the material being presented try mixing in other focal items to complement the text. Training aids, industry articals and short clips are some suggestions.

This is a problem with lectures. I use power point and will throw in funny slides or trivia every ten slides or so.

I have found a real challenge. I teach government regulations and, of course, the textbooks are written by none other than "government regulators". Very dry! The only way that the student's interest can be maintained is by relating these regs to real world situations. It helps to be a stand up comedian.

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