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The teacing environment

Does anyone percieve a difference between the teaching environment-from an instructor's point of view, and the learning environment-from a student's point. It occurs to me that they are one in the same, but that there may be differences depending on perspective.

Hi Jackie,
Good question about the educational environment in which we work. Yes, they are the same in terms of the physical aspects, but the key point is to see the environment from the students' perspective. As instructors we need to see the setting through the eyes of our students, so we can plan and develop instruction that will be meaningful to the students.

Dr. Meers,
I agree. I think that it is the matter of "perspective" that actually raised the question in my mind. As I began thinking about all that -is/can be- done to create a good educational environment from the instructor's point of view, the thought ocurred to me that this does not necessarily ensure a good learning environment.

Hi Jackie,
That is it exactly. Are we, instructors seeing the setting, assignments, and requirements through the same "eyes" as our students. In a sense we really can't since we are not students, but we can be very aware of what they are seeing by constantly seeking feedback from the students. This way we can change mid-course if we need to, and we don't have to wait until the end of the course to find out we have missed the needs of our students.

I believe that we can obtain through positive and negative feedback if we educator's are on target with our assignments and requirements. We can have the opportunity to change our objectives when it comes to our environment.

Hi Kevin,
You raise a good point about assignments. I know I work very hard to create assignments that will help my students with their professional development. I don't want them doing "busy" work, I want them doing development work.

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