What do you think about constantly moving while lecturing?
Hi Lev,
There is a difference between moving and packing. I think you should move around as you lecture so the students will move their heads and eyes in the process of following you. This helps them to concentrate. If you are pacing and moving in a nervous manner then you need to stop it. This is distracting to the students. One way is to start behind a podium or desk and the move away from it while still touching the podium with one hand. This keeps you in a set space and will keep you from pacing. It is easy to have a nervous movement either with hands or feet and it takes the focus of students off the topic and onto your behavior/movements.
I actually find that moving amongst the students keeps them with me. However, I do believe that depending on the classroom set-up this can vary.
When I was a new instructor, I was filled with fear and hid behind a podium. Now that I have gained experience and confidence, I have leared to move around and utilize the entire room for teaching. By moving around, I am able to visually see which students are invovled in the discussion because they are constantly following me with their heads and eyes.
Hi Chad,
Sticking to one spot which is often behind the podium is common with beginning teachers. Glad to hear about how much you have grown in confidence.
I am a teacher that likes to "claim" all of the classroom as my own, which means I move around a lot just as you are doing. It helps me to have a global perspective for the class. I don't want my students having "hidden" zones in my classroom and lab.
I move (and pace). I teach in a narrow but wide room. So like to move back and forth so I am engaging students on both sides of the room but that sometimes turns into pacing which then becomes distacting even to me.