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Instructor Rewards

What do you look forward to has your main reward in your role as an Instructor.

The answer is very simple...Years ago I coached little league and when ever any one player achieved a personal success I was rewarded in their success. I feel the same as if I were watching my children grow and learn a new skill.
I personally feel like I have succeeded when I see them graduate. Remember the first time a child rides without training wheels...that first hit and they made it to first base, catching that all important fly ball to win a game...seeing the light go on and realizing you made a difference...all of these are the students successes and mine at the same time...touching a mind is a powerful and wonderful thing. I remember one student who had come to me with long unkept hair and never dressed professinally...when he was about to graduate he came to my class to say thanks, his hair clean cut, clothes tucked in neatly...he simply said he had finally realized the value of looking professional not just learning the skill to fix a piece of equipment. I was very proud that day...what other reward could I ask for?

I had a student 10 years ago that had some personal issues that caused him to fail the class. He came back the next rotation and performed better than anyone in the class, then the best part is. 10 years later he walked up to me as a new instructor and said do you remember me? That was a good feeling,and a great reward.

Hi Joseph,
Thanks for sharing this great story. This is what teaching is all about. Making a impact on the lives of our students and you certainly did that.
Keep up the good work.

I had a similar experience. One of the students that I failed in my high school class 20 years ago is now an Instructor at a community college. He thank me for the failure and my comment to him that "he was not applying himself". We can't fathom what our actions and reactions to students will bring in the future. We need to be aware to always encourage in the positive, even in negative situations.

It is not by coincidence that some of out best Instructors have been involved coaching sports. We are Models, Managers & Motivators. The "Coach" fits all of these qualities. Thanks for your comment. I plan on sharing all of these replys with my Instructors.

I'm a fairly new instructor in the business, but the reward I get is when a group of students come back the next day and say "Mr.P you're right, thanks for your advise" and there forward they start to repect your knowledge.

I never realized how the coaching I've done over the years has effected the way that I teach. After explaining and showing a student how to do something,it's neat to hear them say " THANKS COACH "

seeing the light come is something we as instructors have all seen, and it is one of the most rewarding moments that we have, and it has been my joy at being asked to look at something through a fresh set of eyes and learn from that,and i really look foward to that with every new class start.
i dont think all of the questions have been asked yet and i look foward to having new one"s every rotation

My biggest reward as an instructor is seeing my students progress from beginning to end and then seeing them out in the workforce sticking to the things that I taught them. That is my proudest moment!!

When I see one of my former students and see the changes in them and the success they achieve it makes my job worthwhile.

As an instructor I look foraward to enhancing my knowledge even more so by cross training with other instructors. Most of all I look forward to seeing the students walk down the aisle on graduation day. With a knowledge suitable to start a career in this industry.

I have been a coach for many years and I am just starting my teaching career. The biggest reward to me is seeing the success that players or students have had later on in life and knowing that you had something to do with it as a role model.

What I am looking for as a reward as an instructor would be that I get to pass along all the information that I have learned over my career to my students so that they may succeed and achieve their goals.

Having a student ask if you will continue studying with them in our joint "down time" so they may increase their skill set. Seeing a student become infected with the joy of my passion and then integrating it into their life, or the journey of learning becomes the center of their life. That I have truly established a new path in a human beings life and a new excitement in their day to day life.

My greatest hope is that I can pass on my knowledge and skills to the next generation of professionals, in a way that is honest, educated and sincere.

Hi Scott,
Well said and a great goal. Keep up the good work.

The reward I look forward to is seeing the look on a student's face as all the bits and pieces of information they have learned start clicking together and they realize that they understand how something works.

To share knowledge and raise student expertise.

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