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learning styles

It is so important these days to take into consideration the different styles of learning. Lecture is an important part of teaching, however it can sometimes be mundane and boring. Breaking up a lecture with interactive segments, games, and group brain storming has been very affective for me these days.

I agree with you Gena, I think this course has made me stop and think about the students perspective and experience. No one wants to teach a class that is boring and puts you to sleep! I plan on taking these concepts to my classroom to get the students more involved and engaged!

Hi Gena,
Continue to try new teaching methods other than lecturing. Students also love field trips, case studies, guest speakers, scenarios, etc.

Patricia Scales

Hi Brian,
Having fun while learning is an awesome combination!

Patricia Scales

I have to admit that I have been in many boring lectures, sometimes at our own school in-services. Gena, you have the right idea when it comes to teaching our students. Getting them involved with the demonstrations makes for an extra bonus. The student gets to be part of the action and the others watch with much anticipation, knowing they could be next, so paying close attention is important. The instructor get the extra pair of hands and time passes quickly.
Brian, I believe you when you say you are going to take these concepts to the classroom. We don't have a choice.

Hi Paul,
No one likes boredom. When everyone is involved, there is not a lot of room let to be bored.

Patricia Scales

I agree. I like to to break up into small groups and brainstorm on solutions to problems half way through lecture so the students are able to take the material from the lecture and apply it to real life situations.

I fully agree. We have to break the monotany sometimes. Changing it up keeps the student focused and engaged.

Hi Mario,
Variety is great! Students love the change. Everyone gets tired of the same old routine.

Patricia Scales

Hi Crystal,
When students can fully apply what has been taught, they have mastered that objective.

Patricia Scales

I teach a vocational course (Auto Mechanics) and have found that bringing the students out of the classroom and into the lab to show them something on an engine is a good state change. This gets them moving around, wakes them up and gives them that "hands on" learning they all say they want.

Hi James,
Students really and truly want hands on because they know this is what they will be doing on the job.

Patricia Scales

I have realized that every student is unique in their learning styles. I teach in the classroom and the lab, so i have to teach the same student with two different technigues because of the different class room learning style and then the hands on lab.

I agree that lectures are an important part of teaching, but as you said, they can sometimes be mundane and boring. One solution to this problem is to introduce group discussions. You can break the students into groups and give each group a problem or exercise. You will have to monitor their activities to insure that they are working on you assignment. In most cases the students will learn from this activity.

Students respond well to a variety of teaching techniques. Interactice classroom activities can be very effective with these groups. It helps them to become more engaged and to relate the material to what they know.

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