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caring for your stundents

Ifeel if you are not ready for classthe stundent will see this and not willing to show up or will be late for class because you don't show them you really what to teach them and care for them.

"When we care, students will come". Students do sense when their teachers care and helpful and hopeful for their students success. What's nice is this is a skill virtually every teacher already possesses and so easy to implement.

Barry Westling

Unfortunately I have had classes where I was unprepared and it really feels terrible. For me and the students. This is always hardest the first time you teach a course and gets easier. Having back up lesson plans or activities is a great idea I learned here.

Dr. Randy,
Yeah, students notice when their instructors are less than fully prepared, and it would be rare that an instructor could do a really good job without the requsite preparation. Unless it was a frequent occurrence, an honest explanation would be better than trying wing it (and flopping).
Barry Westling

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