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Several factors impact students retention and decision to stay in school. It is important that the school provides a culture of understanding of the needs of the students on and off campus, such as carpooling, bus passes counseling etc...It takes a village to create an environment of success.

It is important to connect with students, listen to them and provide resources outside of the classroom setting. This creates trust and understanding that they and their feelings matter and are relevant. Thereby helping with retention.

Attrition begins with the instructor and involves the chain of command within the school to reassure/reinforce the students importance and future in their education. 

The responsibility of student retention is all employees' duty n responsibility. The student's future and education are first and foremost, however their tuition pays the bills.

I learned that its all about numbers. And, we all have to do are part at our level to encourage students to complete their commitment to success. We need to inspire them in the classroom and hold their hand in financial aid and student services.

Leading by example helps motivate students. Displaying honesty and emotional intelligence is very important in the classroom setting.

Understanding student services can assist a student relieve their stress. Colleges offer a verity of services to students and it is best to offer these services before a student decides to drop out of school. Instructors are with the students most and with a caring heart may intervene if a student is having difficulties.

Be pro student. When an student is having stress and wants to drop out of school , listen to their issues and assist them to a solution and school retention. Allow them to speak with confidentiality and keep the trust and rapport you have built up with the student a an instructor.  

Promote a pro student culture. When a student need help intervene with confidential trust as information is shared. Listen and the student will open up to you. Arrive at a solution that will help the student and also retain them in the program. Be student pro-active 

When a student is doing poorly in school academic erosion begins with possible student attrition from school. Teachers are to assist the student with the process of resolving failure. Assisting the student to more positive energy and attitudes can help a failing student stay in school. Early intervention to identify why a student is not passing is truly necessary for student success. 

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