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We have students that may have varied levels of experience, in terms of, their choice of academic pursuits. It is important to use your interpersonal skills to approach a student and identify the way you may want to deliver information in a way that the student may be able to comprehend and not feel intimidated and belittled. It is important to use your interpersonal skills, including, but not limited to active listening, conflict resolution, empathy, and communication.

Testimonials from classmates/active students will go a long way!

Make orientation interactive and engaging with fun activities. Have students exchange contact info.

Learned about the retention value equation: Retention= Perceived Value /Cost (time or financial)

It's important for the students to know we care and we are here for them throughout their schooling or career in college. The students should feel that they are able to come to us and we will help them. So it's important for us to be mindful, available, and provide the specific attention they require from us.

Student trust is the most important thing. If the student cannot trust that the school will follow through, then they will not be motivated to stay.

Stress can show for students in different ways and sometimes this links to their choice to stay in school or not. If students' needs are not being met, this can also lead to attrition.

Retention of students begins with the admission process. Using a rating scale and self checks are both good ways to evaluate . The more information a person is given.The more likely they are to succeed.

Everyone touches retention in some way. Customer service (interpersonal) skills are critical.

Gives good ideas about how to make orientation more fun and engaging, and not just a lecture.

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