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Building relationships with students is just as important before as after graduation 

Each person knows their limitations, allow them the freedom to decide their future.  May surprise you!

Everyone has a right to learn

Not all disabilities are visible.

Not all disabilities are visible.  But may be embarrassing to the student. 

These requirements are important for the uniform delivery of school system and expectations. 

Hello There,

The information in the CM201 is vital to learn and have for reference as I interact with prospective students. Understanding the different terms I will use to communicate is also advisable.


This module highlighted the importance of having a point of contact who is best matched for the role based on their knowledge of the institution, the familiarity with the campus, and ability to remain 'calm, cool, and collected'. It also emphasized the value in preparing a space on campus for the visitor to work and supplying it with appropriate materials that they can choose to use or not. 

I learned that meeting and ongoing training are important for a career in admissions. 

In this module I learned about the reasoning behind and the institutions that execute on-site visits. It's important for all staff members to be prepared for a visit at any time (not just the scheduled ones), and prioritize being kind, efficient, and thorough.

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