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Considering validity as well as reliability is essential in the development of a rubric that is fair as well as consistent.


I did not realize that there are so many rubric/assessment options. This section revealed five of them to me: Alternative Assessment, Analytic Rubrics, Holistic Rubrics, Formative Assessment, and Summative Assessment.

It is good to keep in mind that rubrics need to consider more than measuring skills. They should also "provide students with clear targets for proficiency." Don't just grade; offer targets for growth.

Rubrics are essential piece of information that provides specific feedback for students to grow and learn from.

Students must be informed on what they are going to be assessed prior to testing to ensure they are aware of what they are being grading on

Having different assessment styles can enhance the learning that takes place. 

Utilizing the right tools can be what separates learning and just getting by with students.  We must understand the value it can bring in and out the classroom.

It is a good reminder to think of creating rubrics not as something that takes more time away; rather, it gives more time in the long run.

Using a metarubric should be a best practice for the effectiveness of your grading rubric.

Add review of rubric and suggest both self and peer assessment.  Suggest review of feedback on each assignment so that student can see gains/improvements. 

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