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I takes creativity to make the lecture entertaining. Creating fun games is a good ideal to involve all learning types. I like the matching games and the ABG pizza, food and learning can connect the senses and reinforce the concept. 

I am enjoying learning different ways to teach content. I like the situation game because I am a clinical instructor and need pocket Ideas to stop students on the go.I am really enjoying this course 

Keeping students confident and engaged will take time to learn. Active listening through games can keep them learning while at clinicals. The dot reminder provides a visual aid to both instructor and student that a task may need to be done. Red are tasks that the instructor needs to be present at and green tasks can be completed on their own where blue tasks can be completed either way. 

Teaching large blocks of content can be difficult. It may be best to break the content up into critical thinking games such as the weakest thinker. It allows the students to relax a little when large amounts are being taught and helps them think freely in the classroom.

Often teaching large blocks of content can be 

It's all about adding a lil of this and lil of that to each class to ensure that one's class remains full of possibilities and options to keep it running smoothly! 

I like the T Shirt Idea! Very Classy! 

The Dots gave me a good idea and I will look at how I can incorporate. Possibly with training, when new students arrive and having students in class that have completed certain tasks. This could be very beneficial! 

This was very interesting & in my opinion; very beneficial! 

I have always believed that we, as educators are always learning! As I constantly tell my team. "The only thing that I know for certain, is that I know nothing at all" ~ Socrates... Learning is something that we do naturally when we speak. See, when we are speaking, we are teaching, but subconsciously we are regurgitating knowledge that we have learned and are reaffirming and in a small way, by re-explaining it, we are ensuring that we comprehend what we are saying! So, this is leading to self-education and education as a whole. I think anyone that educates, understands… >>>

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