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I will apply the information I learned in the training to the classroom. 

critical thinking helps you ask better questions and find better solutions that is geared towards actual solutions .

Soft skills and organizational skills are skills in running a clinical rotation.

It is important to encourage integrity at all times. It is also important to have a learning environment which promotes creativity--such as allowing students to brainstorm and take their time in doing so. 

it is noted that students are entering the work field without the proper sills in computers. Students must grasp computer basics while in school to compete with the rapid changes in the work fields.

lifelong learning is part of enhancing professional development . Its often requires personal motivation to continue learning new things.  

As an instructor it is my job to promote teamwork. Teamwork assignments are graded on both team participation but also individual participation which ensures that all students are involved equally. 

Learning to write is an important element of an upper professional education. Teachers are responsible to evaluate the students progress in writing skills of each student and provide feedback for success of the students.

teachers need creativity to engage students in the learning process.

I believe if job ads were created and specifically listed computer literacy skills, we could improve literacy skills because of their job/career relevance.

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