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I believe motivation is KEY to student retention and key to not burning yourself out! 

I think keeping the students engaged and providing feedback is KEY! 

I love being upbeat and engaging! Students feed off the instructors energy! Staying positive when teaching is key! 

This course gave me insight to assess the students different learning experiences. I currently practice this daily in my work. 

I have a better understanding of how to reach the diverse population of our students.  The course provided some value concepts, strategies and insights. Many of our students come with language barriers.  Many adult learners are afraid of academics but also social fear on how they will fit in.  I learned that student frustration can be a retaliation tactic. Many of our learns wonder what their peers think of them.

Good customer service keeps students

By reviewing this module I have learned about how to understand students and their reasons for attending school and different reasons for why they might want to attend. Learning more about the students might help the instructor on alternating their teaching style and methods to accommodate the students learning abilities. I believe being hands on in the classroom and providing demonstrations and visuals to the students will help them understand the course materials. 

Comment on Shane Apperley's post: Creating  variety I often find challenging.  I find this helpful in bringing the need to the forefront and will begin working on some methods of "mixing it up" a little from day to day.

I am concerned with the aspect of dealing with students of varying general education experience when that is not in the curriculum I will be teaching. This gives a good framework of working with students where they are and how to deal with them somewhat.

I also will be trying to emphasize moral and ethical decisions being in an aviation maintenance field, where taking shortcuts can literally kill.

Adult learners are more likely to take their own initiatives for studying and applying knowledge from experience, however many adult learners benefit from a structured environment where they are aware of what topics need more of their attention.

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