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To Remind Students or Not to Remind Students

Are you the type of instructor to remind students of assignments, quizzes, tests, etc.?  I am! I have been told that I am too reminding by another instructor. I feel guilty when I do not remind my students about assignments.  I typically remind my students about work two to three times.  When we were in college studying to become educators, our professors surely did not remind us. I have had some instructors to say that they  only remind students one time, otherwise they begin to feel like a parent.  I do understand in the real world employers are not going to remind them.  They are  told once what needs to be done by when.



I like to remind students up to a point. I feel they need to become more responsible adults. I document information inthe computer on a calendar for them to refer to. I set up announcements at least 2 weeks or more ahead of time so they can plan.

Does'nt the frequency of reminders depend upon the level of student / course?  A first year student may need to be reminded.  Also reminders foster community.  They also may foster dependance, which is why perhaps rerminders should be attached to major asisgnments only.  Another way to do this is to put dates in the course outline and then remind students to check that document.  This way the rerminder prompts ownership.

I feel if you don't remind them, then you haven't done everything you can for them.  Then know one can say they were never told.

I feel if you don't remind them, then you haven't done everything you can for them.  Then know one can say they were never told.

We are teachers right? They are students, remind them or they will forget.... IMHO

Personal responsibility is what I teach in my classes.  The agenda for the current class and next class is posted on the board as well as the assigments are listed on the portal and on their calendar and the syllabus states the assignments due dates.  However, I may remind my first year students and I also talk about personal responsibility to them.  With this we talk about tools to help them become better students. 

I agree with Nichelle.  I post all relevant info on my board every day as well as having all course material on our Portal system.  Some of my younger students (just out of high school) need a bit of reminding, but I try not to nag.

I remind them to a point they are adults, at the begaining of the term I give them a

block form weekly schedule that has all the times of quizes and assignments. you would be suprised by how

many students lose that schedule or don't look it up on the student portal

I am a reminder!  I present the students with a written copy of what is expected for the upcoming with and the homework is listed.  When I pass out the sheet, I talk it through with them and put out areas that students before them have questions.  If the sheet has an attachment, I ask them to check then and there to make sure it is attached. 

Experience has taught me that if I do not go through this process, several student will not get it and will be asking questions the morning the work is due.

Also, each day I ask once during the class if anyone has questions on the homework.

Enough though we give a lesson plan they are adult learners but we must keep them engaged, reminding is a form of engaging and implementing what objectives need to be met, so yes do not stop being a reminder.

I will remind up to a point.  When they first start the class I will remind them when things are due.  As we get farther into the class they should know by then that the homework is due the day of the test.  I have found that when they see the 0 on their grade that they tend to not forget the next time.

Students only need to be reminded once of upcoming assignments.  I give the students the opportunity to ask questions, and then I remind them of what is due for the next class.  I will also remind them to refer to their syllabus for any due dates.  As an instructor, I work very hard on the syllabus, and review it the first day of class. I also stress the value of the syllabus to the student. I have found that most students can answer their own questions regarding due dates by referring to his/her syllabus. 

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