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reflection on course

I was hoping that ths course would give me pointers on how to motivate the youg adult learner. However i teach in a program with fixed days and hours. So some of the techniques i liked butwere not possible to use in the program i teadh in. In addition there is an assumption that if you are an adult you hae the maturity to be self controled, motivated , and can focus and prioritize. The students coming out of high school today, een adult by age do not have the maturity for the automony and self control to do aolot of the techniques that were offered in the program.


I understand what you mean when dealing with younger students. I have the benefit of dealing with both the young fresh from high school student and the true adult learner looking to further thier career. I teach an afternoon class with an average age of about 20 and a night class with an average age of about 35. What I find is the younger students need more moral support and someone who believes in them in order to get them to take things serious I feel that they succeed more when they feel they might disapoint me if they don't pass. Where the night students work better with some guidelines and objectives becuase there goals are more focused.

As an adult learner myself, I knew what my priorities were while going back to school as I was approaching 30.  I didn't want to waste time or money on a degree I wasn't going to use, so I was always on the ball when it came to homework, projects and assignments.  Today, as an Instructor, I notice the same thing in older students who have the same principles.  The younger generation that goes to where I teach at are motivated, but lose focus easily.  Some students when they walk into class are already wondering if we are getting out early because they have something more important to do.  It's not like that for all younger students, but it's hard to believe that some of them think it's a chore to get an education.

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