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I have coursed the CM221 and the experience was outstanding. I believe that we have to improve student retention by identifying struggling students within the first days and creating an individualized intervention plan to meet that students individual learning needs.

I would like to know your ideas about it....



I completely agree! Our school offers a program for our new students that they attend once a week for their first 5 weeks of school. This gives us a chance to get a feel for the students and observe different behaviors and learning techniques so that we are able to help them if needed.

Create a program for students that help keep them engaged in their classes and involved on campus This includes orientation, tutoring, freshman seminar,  many other things. These programs are important when it comes to campus life because it has been shown that student involvement is directly related to student success. When a student participates, he or she forms both social and emotional ties to the university that both encourage the student to do well academically and reduce the chance that the student will drop out of school entirely or leave for another university

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