Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Resolving Issues

Whenever I feel my employees are not working together, I will collect the information regarding the root cause, research it, and address each employee individually so that both theirs needs are met. As a group, my team works very well with one another. Should an issue arise, we all discuss the reasoning behind how we feel and the Campus President with come up with a decision that takes everyones opinion into consideration.


These are such good reminders of ways to offer new ideas and solutions for things that come up. Also a great way to facilitate in the classroom!

Innovation & Creativity

This tutorial gives a lot of good information about fostering innovation and creativity in the workplace. Some things to remember: Ask open ended questions, Encourage creativity, Don't set harsh or rigid rules, avoid direct supervision as much as possible. Highly recommended!!

Idea Generation

I liked this tutorial because it gave several different ways of coming up with ideas using different creative processes.  I feel like I sometimes get stuck in the same old rut of following other peoples outlines or ideas rather than coming up with my own.  I need to trust in myself to dig deeper and tap into the creative resources that I know I have.

Navigating stress

Getting to the root cause of problems helps to aleviate future conflicts. 


Good Decision Making is Strategic, but Intuitive

Good decision making takes independent, critical thought to come to a decision, as well as a wise mind to create alternate plans, and to check if the decision has been successful incrementally. In this way, decision making is not one finite moment before the start of an action, but is actually a process that continues to an actions completion. Instead of becomming hyper vigilant and dwelling on possible risks and outcomes infinitely, decision makers should weigh pros and cons, priotize needs and assess risks. Once this is done once or twice, they should take a path of action,and be prepared… >>>

good info

useful information, maybe more visual promps would help as well

Root Cause Analysis

Getting employees involved in work problem solving can make people feel the positive effects of their contribution. However, it takes a skilled and patient facilitator to get beyond the belly aching and negativity that can be generated.

Decision Making

I have always felt that stepping back and getting all the feedback is important in making a decision.  Dont jump to conclusions.  Trust your instincts.  This course helped me to see that I am on the right track.


These are great ideas on promoting creativity in the workplace. I love all the different creative thinking ideas. I would like to implement some of these ideas into my job.

Creativity Strategies

I learned strategies to guide my students into tapping into their own creative processes to facillitate their own learning and boost their desired outcome of better test scores and long term retention of the materials.

Decision Making

In the work place I think it is sometimes helpful to get input from fellow workers when trying to come to a decision about certain things.  When you get a group of people together there tends to be alot more discussion and that can lead to different and sometimes better ways of coming up with the best decision or solution. 

Using creative thinking to solve problems

 I like the idea of using mind mapping, brain writing, and the other various brainstorming techniques to come up with a solution to a problem.  So many of us think that we are not creative because we are comparing ourselves to someone else. I love that we can change that way of thinking by simply changing the way we think! Everyone has something to bring to the table if they are given the chance and are confident to take it! Let's step put of our comfort zones!

Problem Solving

I think it is a good practice to implement group problem solving.  You get a wider variety of opinions and views of the problem and there can be more than one way to solve the problem effectively.  


This training has given me the opportunity to take an approach to my current team to improve action plans and sucesses.


I am not a supervisor but as an employee I feel we are not given enough time to think about creative ways to teach. 

GroupProblem Solving

I especially liked the idea of asking those who disagree when an impass occurs " what information do you need that might make a difference?"

Fostering an Innovative Work Environment

Remains you of how important it's to empower your staff.

I'm going to use this during our staff in-service to reintroduce the importance of innovation.

My Mindset

This training pointed out a lot of things I wasn't doing correctly; now I can put into effect what I learned today.

good information

for problem solving