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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

My Mindset

This training pointed out a lot of things I wasn't doing correctly; now I can put into effect what I learned today.

good information

for problem solving

Creative thinking

Creative thinking can create  a lot of peoblems for others, especially in a work place.I have learned from experience and this tutiorial is that when faced with a issue, it is important to adress it as professional as possible. Creative thinking plays a major part into finding a proactive solution.  One must creativly think and be able to identify the driect cause rather than perceive. This in return can help prevent recurrence of promblems. 


So many good ideas

Creative Thinking

It confirms that thinking out of the box and teamwork is the best way to solve a problem.  I was once told by someone I respect that the did not have a box.  That is a very creative person

Michael Carr Action Plan - BAEQ

My greatest learning from the financial acumen segment of the program…


How I will apply this learning at my campus….



The ability to understand more concisely the impact of a start/drop is to the campus.


This will be developed into a training session with the Program Directors on the impact of a drop to their programs (e.g. equipment implications and/or starting a new co-hort).

My greatest learning from the strategic thinking segment of the program…


How I will apply this learning at my campus….




My biggest take away from the strategic thinking… >>>