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When a student has a hardtime understanding something; I try to break the information down.  I will listen to their questions and try to pharphase what they are asking.  I like to talk to my student's in a quiet enviroment.  I fell that asking questions, helps me understand what they understand and what they don't understand.

Not everyone will have the same opions but it is important that we all listen.

Make sure that the student can tell that you are actively listening and giving them enough time to say what they need to say. 

I learned about the strategies for active listening using both verbal and nonverbal communication. 

Apply more passive listening.

Good idea to ponder the question instead of immediately responding show that you were listening and being intentional with your answer.

Active listening is the best. Engaging the classroom is effective way to enhance knowledge and concepts that have been taught

It is imperative to be genuine and sincere when listening to a student's concerns and engage in eye contact 80% of the time during the interaction.

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