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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

getting help

We all need to help the students to understand what they came to learn.


it seems to be a lot of work but you get what you put in to it.

How to get the audience more involved during a presentation

Finding certain activities or questions to ask during a powerpoint presentation to students is key. Most of the time this point of class tends to be boring to the students although it is vital information geared to their future career. What are some ways that we can get them more involved during a lecture?

Audience Participation Patterns

How do you deal with the uneven distribution of audience participation in a classroom setting? Some seem very eager to participate in class and are always willing to offer an answer while others always try to hang back in the back of the room and coast through the presentation. How might you engage the guys in the back in answering the questions to guage how they are retaining the information presented? I find that even if you ask them specifically, they often seem too timid or unsure to offer an answer and it's hit-and-miss performance from many of them on… >>>

Technical Presentations

Should one prepare for a technical presentations any differently than a factual presentation? If so why and how?


What would be the best way to involve your audience in your presentation? I wish we had the clicker response system. Thought maybe just adding a question at the end of every slide would be an alterative. Any suggestions?

Reaching Reluctant Presenters

Hi. I teach Public Speaking in a business school with some very reluctant students. Often it feels like my students do not expect to have to do presentations in a class called Public Speaking which can lead to frustrating classes and experiences. The students often come from a very non-academic background and often are just learning some very basic professional development and communicatons skills. Anyone have thoughts on ways to reach these types of students.

Non verbal communication in admissions process

We have to be careful of the nonverbal communication aspects when we are in the middle of an admission process. The way that we are dressed, or how confident we appear giving an explanation, it would influence the final decision that the buyer can make. It would be perfect if we can share experiences in this topic.

Lessons from childhood

As I worked through this module, I couldn't help but to think of the coaches of my childhood: from softball to cheerleading and from parents to youth leaders. This reflection caused me to think about the experiences I learned from and those that brought confusion or frustration. Those "coaches" and their methods are similar to those I actually need to be applying at work. Just as teachers need to return to the classroom on a regular basis in order to relate more effectively with the students they teach. Coaches also need to learn from those they coach.

becoming optimistic about your own ideas

When you're excited about your own ideas this did everyone excited. Not only been excited about your ideas but implementing ideas that will make a change and will benefit company in which you work for. Even if this means adding to your team. Change is what makes the world go around

becoming optimistic about your own ideas

When you're excited about your own ideas this did everyone excited. Not only been excited about your ideas but implementing ideas that will make a change and will benefit company in which you work for. Even if this means adding to your team. Change is what makes the world go around

Tough conversations

I'm on a management team in a health care facility, and I also teach at a technical school and my students get there training at the facility where I'm a manager. I have a staff member at the facility who think he is helpful and friendly. He is found to touch and invade personal space. I have asked him multiple times in the past to be careful of his approach, because he is offending people and my new students. He always responds with " Its ok ".(I do identify this as culture because he is from another country)but I don't… >>>


Coaching requires a team effort and also requires a positive, supportive bond between coach and employees. People must feel part of the team to be coached.

When its not your place to coach

How can you approach co-workers when they are at the same position as you, but you feel you have an effective way adn get results?

Adjusting to your audience versus overall objective

Researching the audience and adjusting your presentation accordingly is one way to effective presentation . However, what would you do if you do not have the chance to know your audience or do not have the time to know them? Secondely, how could adjusting yourself to the audience affect your overall intended objective? Should you compromise your objective? Can a presentation be prepared in such a way that it can fit any audience intended for that presentation?


I have all my students do an oral project. The ones that are frightened, I have them present to just me with encouragement.


How do you manage a person's unwillingness to communicate verbably? Ex. a student whom asked a question responds with very little acknowledgement, so you feel like you have to ask the question mutiple times.

Practice makes Perfect (almost)

I have a lot of familiarity speaking in front of crowds because I used to be a High School Presenter. My day would consist of speaking to numerous teenage classrooms. I never had a fear of public speaking but the butterflys were always apparent right before I got the first sentence out. It is true, the more knowledge you have on the topic the more comfortable you are sharing it with others. The more presentations I did the more speaking became second nature. The butterflies will diminish after time and the possibility of excitement might surprise you.

re:meeting w/mentor previous to coaching

I am working on communicating with my coach previous to coaching others

Meeting Minutes

I also think it is important to have someone (in a larger setting) take meeting minutes. it is a good practice to recap with what was discussed at the prior meeting. This is for people who cnduct weekly or bi-weekly meetings.