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Class Approaches

Very information and approaches. 

Exam Taking

I always thought that it was important to walk around the classroom while students were taking an exam.  However, this taught us that it actually causes more anxiety during the test taking process and that the instructor should stay in 1 place.  This makes total sense and I will definitely try this technique with my next exam!

wounderful corse

enjoyed this

Mental Health Non-Verbal Communication

This week our sim faculty is immersed in mental health. After revisiting this learning module, I realize how much non-verbal communication is a part of our scenarios and how important therapeutic communication is in everything we do as nurses. Great review.

Managing the Classroom

I used to ingore the student that was always loud, but I started to be more incontrolled to my classroom and I had a very discussion talking to those students individual and just sat them in the front and it works and also every new Module I switch my students around and that works also.

Crisis management

Is there a generic couse beyond this one out there that would give good classroom early warning indicaters for faily new instructors. Often their biggest challange is to not only reconize the early signs but also not become the trigger point themselfs.

ED 104

Very good information.


Teaching strategies

This course was quite informative and helpful.  I will definitely utilized the strategies

Talkative (center-of-attn.) student as assistant

I know the information points to have very talkative students to act as "observer" in the classroom; however, I wonder if any of you have hed your "center-of-attention/talkative" student help out as assistant? How did this work for you?



Adult Students

What have you found to be the most affect response to tardiness to class and students that sleep/disrupt class? Being a younger instructor I have found these to be some of the more difficult task to correct among adult students. I would apreciate any advice and look forward to hearing different stragies.

Thank you for your time.


it was fun, lots of important information. 

Stress part 2

It's important to at list, give yourself 25 minutes after work to distress, for does of us that are parents.  

Don't waist time.

It's important to do all the important task on time, so you initiate your class with all the right information and be prepared for questions about your subject matter.  


I found it informative and will help me be a better instructor.


"Procrastination is the thief of time" how true when we delay to accomplish tasks

ED104 Class Management Strategies

I was oh so very excited to see that what I was reading/listening to was reinforcing what I have been doing in my theory classes over the last 10 plus years. At first I was told by many instructors you have way too much energy and need to be more "traditional" on how you lecture to your students, I took that as I needed to be more "boring" which I personally experienced as a student many times going through not only high school but college as well.

I love what I teach and do as a profession... and I love having my students feel my passion which in turn motivates them to learn and learn well!!!

Classroom stress

I have found this presentation to be very effective in preparing for the class before hand check and observe material, correct assignments and keep students current with the progress. It has shown to be rewarding when prepared and pro active to manage the class and have less stress for the students and myself.

Standard as an Instructor regarding "drops"

Does any fellow instructors feel discouraged after applying all Instructional Directive found in Max knowldege, and yet the "customer", becomes a drop student.

Case in point:-

I saved and held onto a student for many courses, in the midst of his inability to participate in a daily bases. ( one who preformed in class, yet simultaneously had an external job in his career field).

Such responsibility placed my student in a classroom leading position; notwithstanding, his work schedule prevented him from participating in classes.

Unannounced, but very forseeable my student explained his retaking of classes could not continue, ( it was EXPECTATION SIMPLY UNREALISTIC, and he became a "drop" student.  

How do you, as insturctors, deal with such standards that places the blame at your feet?


Dealing with student who are dis-engaged

Some time ago I recall having a student who would breake out in sweat and hands literally shake when doing any procedure. After taking with student privately I discovered that she does not want to do nursing and that it was his parent idea to force him to go to nursing school and he would rather work with computers.  

As his Clinical Instructor I told him how nursing informatic can be a career path that may interst him. What  tools could have been used to help this student?