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Use your resources to create the best pathway. Get to know the prospect to assist in their choices
Listening can be applied to many areas but in the admissions process you should understand the challenges and goals of the student
I learned the importance of the process and bonding with the applicant

The information process in additions must evolve with the needs of current students.

People skills and active listening go hand in hand; they also exceed the amount of impact one can have with accurate program information and sales skills. 

Active listening is very important when understanding what students need and want.  By being present and reiterating/repeating their needs and questions to be clear in our own understanding we can help them to achieve their goals.   

Try to be actively listening to a person's response instead of partially hearing and thinking of a reply ahead of time.

Great suggestions on clear and confident communication. To listen to what they want in their educational goals and provide them with possible approaches in obtaining their goals. Make clear what you expect back from them in your communications. 

Learning to know ourselves is essential for the development of our skills.

What we are is what we reflect.

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