Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Understanding Stress

Stress is something people deal with throughout their lives and in any setting. For example, students must manage all types of stress such as juggling academic responsibilities, work, and personal commitments. Something I learned is that stress is not always bad and this was the mentality I held onto for a very long time until completing this course and taking the stress test. Some stress can be positive which helps drive motivation, and productivity. When stress becomes overwhelming, it can have negative effects on both mental and physical health hence the reason the course calls it Negative Stress. This is… >>>

How Managers Help Manage Stress and Burnout!

As a manager, it is common for employees to confide in us and share their stress and seek guidance. This tutorial offered some valuable insights into managing stress effectively. While quitting or changing careers may seem like an easy way out when dissatisfied, this tutorial presents various methods for handing burnout in a more effective way. 

Having realistic expectations is important. Often times, factors beyond our control, such as other departments or colleagues, contribute to the stress we experience in the workplace. Recognizing our limitations and understanding that everyone may be grappling with stress or burnout is essential. This will… >>>

Manejo del stress laboral (Vivian)

En estos últimos años STRESS es la palabra más utilizada.

Pienso que todos debemos tomar unos minutos al día para Desconectarnos, Respirar y cuidarnos. Ya sea en el trabajo o en nuestras casas. En el trabajo si es el Stress se vuelve constante, tómese unos días para descansar. 

Amazing Course

I have learned multiple ways of working with others, the importance of ethical standards as well as putting plans in place. 


I have learned the value of meditation on stress reduction. 

Perfect Timing

Fortuitously, I have taken this course at the same time I am at a crossroads in my job.  I have experienced serious reflection while participating and will apply what I have learned.  Specifically, the concept of reshaping what I do on a weekly basis.

Lead by Example

Leading by example is a way to have the people around you in the office both be more productive but do what is needed to a sure the company runs smoothly and correctly.

. Compartmentalize Work & Life

Anyone that believes that life will exist without stress is fooling themselves. At some point we have or will experience stress. The previous lessons provide a platform that permits us to identify the key stressors and to recognize what might be necessary to successfully manage stress or to manage elements of work and personal life that will eliminate stress.   


Really helped me learn new ways to manage stress and burnout. 

Preventing stress

Preventing stress at the workplace has much to do with management.  Management can provide the tools necessary for employee success. 

Appropriate length & topic

This was a quick & bite-sized reminder of Haim Ginott's quote (Teacher and Child" A Book for Parents and Teachers): 

I have come to a frightening conclusion.

I am the decisive element in the classroom.

It is my personal approach that creates the climate.

It is my daily mood that makes the weather.

As a teacher, I possess tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous.

I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration.

I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal.

In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis… >>>


The key to this is communication. Effective communication includes setting realistic goals and communicating the progress, establishing dialog about responsibilities and expectations with your boss, and being assertive about the time and place to cover specific topics.

Understand individual behaviors

Understanding individual behavior to help them to understand and retain information with interaction ,ethical and professional standards 


Learned alot 

Time is gold

Time management is key to be able to be efficient and productive without creating unnecessary stress.



Understand that we are all an institution with a manager, if the institution provides us with the necessary resources for successful performance . It will be easier to pursue the vision.

Managing workplace challenges

It was good practice of how to be a manager and be more professional in the work place :)

Handling stress and preventing burnout

I learned that in order to positively handle stress and prevent myself from burning out i need to have a healthy work-life balance and to have healthy hobbies and interests outside of work.  Also to be able to positively be able to address the stress by talking to someone about it and practicing breathing techniques or taking a walk when i feel like i am becoming overwhelmed.  

I plan to stay positive and manage my time accordingly so that i do not get burnt out 

Great PD opportunity!

Thanks so much for this wonderful PD. This will be very vaulable moving forward this school year. 

Importance of Repetition in Learning

As a Talent Skills Trainer and Curriculum Developer for 21st Century Workforce, I found the course contained excellent. The questions test your reading and the ability to follow written directions. After taking the test the first time I found, I needed to re-test with more knowledge and incite to improve my knowledge and score.