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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Time Management

We all need to manage our time at work. I know it takes time, practice and patience. We also need to set working patterns.

Visionary Managers ! > Managers!

Visionary managers as  both mangers and leaders should have knowledge, relevant behaviors, passion and vision of a better futiure state of existence to the company they mange and lead. 


Know your bosses strengths and stretches

It is always a good practice to be aware of how to best approach a supervisor.

Good ethics at work

The manager sets the tone for the dept. A manager with a strong work ethic shows by example how the employees are expected to also act.

Learning to model and setting specific goals

The realisation that people follow what is modelled for them is a fundamental yet often overlooked truth. This makes me catch myself in moments where I may have fallen short of being an example that I would want to follow. 


The ability to set specific goals rather than broad ones really requires an accurate assessment of self; areas of strengths and weaknesses. This also translates into the performance review conversations that we have yearly because the goals we set can be linked to the areas we want to improve in our work, attitudes or behaviour. 


Empathy is a… >>>

Best Practices

When teaching my nursing students I have implemented a new step in the medication process.  This is for them to compare the allergies of their patient with all medications ordered for the patient.  This allows them to evaluate if the allergen is contained in any of the medications.  For example:  Tylenol # 3 ......... may be ordered but the novice nurse could overlook that that means the medication contains Codiene.  This may seem a little more tedious but it does increase the safety for the patient.  This is a change by adding a step into the medication administration process. 

My Action Plan

Slow down and be sure to understand what is being asked of me.  I have noticed on second read, my first impression of the situation was kind of off.  By reading a secondtime I save a lot of time.


There were many tips that I found effective. The most important one is daily looking at your priorities and helping others manage their time to have a better work life balance.

It was also a great time to look at time wasters

and procrastinating on projects you do not like.



Managing your work

Getting to know your boss and what is expected of you is very important and will help you succeed at your job.

Be honest with self evaluation

This tutorial makes sence in that when evaluating yourself sometimes I will underevaluate myself but when I think about it this practice has probly held me back from ebtter positions in the workplace. But from now on I will stand back and evaluate myself with a new way of thinking.

Dealing with job stress

Dealing with the people on the job gives the most stress and the best way I have found to  deal with this is to show people respect and listen to them and keep your cool.

Setting a good example in the workplace goes far

I have learned that setting a good example and having good work ethics goes far in the work place.

Growth and Development


In reflecting my skills and abilities, I see that I have much more to learn as a manager and will use this tool to sharpen my skills to enhance my managerial skills for my department's growth and development as well as my own. 




Smart Goals

I printed the worksheets so I can apply this!

Crisis Management

Informative and thought provoking.  Will definitely utilize the tools provided.


Stress will never go away but learniing how to deal with it is the best thing to do.

Keeping your boss informed

It's best to keep the boss informed and to offer solutions to problems

setting an example

The best way to instill good work practices is to set an example


The world is a ball of stress, learning how to deal with your stressers will allow you to be more productive in the long run.  You cannot change things that are our of your control but you can complete activities that are within control.

Boss Expectations

When changing bosses it is sometimes difficutly to understand excatly what is expected.  My suggestion that I practice  everyday is listen and follow directions.  No boss will ever expect more out of their employees then they are willing to do themselves