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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Too Challenging

Challenging but doable. 

Too Challenging

Too Challenging and too long.


take time

take time to learn and grow. seek help if needed. 


its best to always try to understand not just from a boss but as an employee as well. do your job to the best of your ability and from there work to build it up if needed

strengths and weakness

No one is perfect. In order to thrive you must know yoiurself work on your strength and weaknesses. To ensure not just yourself but have your employess flourish as well.

Knowing your self worth is a building block to success

Know your self worth. play on your strengths and try and work on your weaknesses and always lead by example


My action plan always starting out by doing my research and knowing the facts. I believe when there is a clear communication path it makes for more positive results. Organization and communication are the foundation for successful achievments


To self reflect often can only improve work performance and environment

Career goals.

setting themis one thing but follow though is key. 


Great tutorial


Thought the tutorial was good, I do deep breathing when I start feeling overwhelmed.

Knowledge Assessment

I believe I scored 100% on this Assessment, because of my experience in business as well as in education.

Self evaluation

For setting goals or evaluting strengths and weaknesses, it is more benificial to be detailed. 

Good time, well spent...

This was a decent presentation.  All though, I feel like it is more common knowledge.  I realize that a lot of managers may have a job that they think they earned, it might have more to do with how they presented themselves.

Stop ,Breathe,Reflect and Choose

Works for me.

Tech Talent South

I learned that the most effective way to build a community at work is to be open and transparent. This means opening the floor to ideas from your employees, and not taking credit for those ideas. Omitting any kind of data is unethical, and making sure that set an example by my actions. 

Stress Management

I felt this was a really good course. I have a difficult time with maintaining my stress level and I feel like this course gave me a few pointers on how to improve this issue. This can be practiced not only in the workplace but outside as well. A lot of times I'm faced with personal issues that cause stress which sometimes is brought with me to work. I now feel I can manage this a little better with the information that was provided. 

love it

These are great learning tools we should have them for students.


Good tutorial

This was actually a good tutorial. It reminded me of what I already knew but it refreshed some perspective on the interaction between staff and supervisor.

prevent burn out

When you are feeling burn out don't ignore it. It will only hinder your productivity and does not help anyone. Best way is to take a deep breath, take a break. Get away from the routine, talk to someone, excercise and do something you can control and put aside what you can't control. If all else fails, plan to change, don't quit, change careers for the better.

time management

Time management can be a key factor in many large scale situations. I have learned a lot from these and now understand why my trainor/mentor/supervisor/coach/role model guides me this was. She must have taken this course.