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FYI-Poll Everywhere

Yes, most schools are, including ours. But when we were shown at a conference our director really liked the idea. We have the students put their cells phones out, face down and off, on their desks so we can see them. Then we let them use them for the polling and they have to go back on the desk. I personally like to have them all put their cell phones on MY desk. The first day of class I have them write their emails and cell phones for contact. So if a student says they don't have one I will check it against the contact sheet. If they say they have left it at home, they earn a front row seat in front of me for the day.
I agree with Michelle. Just last week, I couldn't get on U-tube to show a video I really like. So I had them all look it up on their phones. Our school is contemplating not letting us use U-tube in the classroom which has all of the instructors up in arms. If it goes through we will probably see a whole lot more cell phone use in the classroom!

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