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The biggest challenges I am encountering with resume development since transitioning into this position are 1) Lack of work/educational experience 2) Lack of computer literacy, so creation of a resume is very time consuming + accompanying that with teaching new skills so they can learn for the future 3) Lack of proper use of grammar and punctuation 4) Receiving mixed messages on how to create and format their resume (from teachers, to friends, to family, to colleagues, etc.) 5) Using pre-established templates that are not friendly when we try to alter wording, layout, etc...6) Getting individuals to understand the importance of the "selling-tool" that is a resume and it should take serious thought, consideration and effort so they are given the best chance of maximizing opportunities for themselves.

Our age demographic is varied, but the common denominator is fear. Older students are afraid to write down all their experience & young students are afraid they don't have enough experience.

With the older ones, it's a matter of helping them weed through their experience to find the most advantageous highlights for the specific position.
With younger ones, it's helping them maximize on activities they have participated in.

Hi Tara,

I think many who work in career services have witnessed that fear you mention. The job market is tough and so is competition so I think that fear is to be expected. Your approach is great since many individuals struggle with identifying and communicating past experience relevant/transferable to a new career. You have them simply focus on past experiences and you collaboratively help them identify the most relevant. Great coaching technique!

Robert Starks Jr.

Most of the time we have situations where the student is changing careers and entering a field that is totally different from their past experience. Some are more than ten years, and I fined that they have difficulty tapering down thier resume

We tend to ask, if younger in age, what they did during high school. We will pull experience from sports that they have taken part in or volunteer events they may have participated in.

Most of the students are scared of looking bad to their piers. They have been talking about how well their going to do in life after graduation and now its time to deliver. My biggest challenge is getting them to complete it. They know as soon as its completed they might get rejected in the job market.

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