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Gen Y, X and Baby Boomers

This course is amazing!!!! I do not regret taking this course if fact I will take this again and again because it is a very important aspect to my future as well as the future of my students.
Figuring out how to 'marry' the different generations is a major point that will make educating our society stronger. Thank you Ryan for putting this together it was not an wasy feat!

    I am going to take this course next.  The difference in generations is interesting in work habits, attitude about learning, social  media influences, as well as brain receptiveness.  According to Nicholas Carr, in his famous article, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" originally written for The Atlantic, electronic devices may actually be changing our brain circuitry and the way we think (and behave).  So, this is not all hardware oriented, but also a soft skills shift in generational differences.  Carr goes on to state that the inventions of the clock, the printing press, as well as the current advances in electronic media has given the younger generation(Millenials)  shorter attention spans, more shallow reading skills, and a general lack of in-depth critical thinking. THis can be seen in the move from traditional books and bookstores to e-books and Kindles.  It is not all a negative change, however, as the new inventions can be used in innovative ways.  Hwoever, I do wonder if Carr is correct.  Have we lost the ability to be human, and philosophize, think critically, and solve problems, or, have the elctronic devices made us more robotic?   It is an interesting question, and one that will need to be addressed, not only in the classroom, but also in the workplace and society now, and for future generations.   



I just finshed ED 117. I really enjoyed it and gained some very useful information. It is very important to understand the different generations and how they learn. I believe that every generation has something to pass on to the next. This generation presents a challenge because they are so obsessed with technology. It is hard to keep their attention and keep them focused on the suject material. They need to take frequent breaks in order to check their text, email, facebook or they become very distracted. I like being connected and using the internet but I still believe reading is the best way to truly absorb and comprehend the lesson or information as well as help to retain it.

I finished ed117 and thought it had some great insight in what motivates generation Y to learn. I also found the performance contract interesting and would like to try this in one of my classes. It addressed the issue of gen Y lacking critical thinking skills and discussed ways to improve that skill. Very helpful!

I just finished ED 117.  It took me along time to get through all the information because there was so much.    I feel the course is extremely valuable.  It was so informative and I remained highly motivated throughout.  I feel strongly the final assessment is not a true measurement of the knoweldge and understanding I have obtained. The questions were written in a way that give room to too much interpretation and overthought.  I over think everything and change my mind... trying to figure out what answer would be best.  When the questions say check all that apply it makes it more confusing.  I am frustrated.  I completed all the requirements in the course and I did very well on the quizzes but tonight I failed the final and therefore no certificate and I cannot review my answers.  If a student can't review they can't learn from mistakes. If I didn't understand the information, if I can't go on to use skill and apply it.... than I should fail. I did understand.  I feel competent that I will apply what i have learned.  This is why standarized testing is frowned upon by good teachers.  These assessments tell students (with great potential)that they are failures if they don't know how to take the test.  



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