Successful Career Readiness Cultures | Origin: LC103
How can the instructional practices in CTE programs help develop an overall school career-readiness culture?
Implementing workplace norms and practices in the classroom model behaviors necessary for career success.
Using instructional practices like collaboration, and project based learning, teachers can be teaching skills that apply directly to the workplace.
If the vision is to change culture from a purely academic based environment to one that is also career prep in nature then all teachers will start to incorporate career tech approaches to incentivize students taking their core courses. The student who does not like Chemistry and is avoiding Chem III may realize from a guest speaker or an internship that they need the course for their future career goals thus motivating them to take Chem III.
CTE can provide exposure to skills and opportunities to develop career skils that can help students in all areas regarless of their career and college path.
CTE can provide relevent experiences that enhance employablilty and technical skills. Two things that employers desperately want students to have.
CTE instructors can embed employability skills in their teaching and classrooms.
Teachers that stay current in their field of expertise will develop a culture of learning in their classrooms with their students.