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Is it ok for a Director to assign the Assistant Director as the designee over the academic dean? If they feel that person can beeter assist the visitor.


It is up to each school to decide who will serve as the designee. The Assistant Director sounds like a logical choice. Whoever the designee is, he/she must be trained and must sign and submit the Director's Statement (form PS-001Z).

JP Mehlmann

An assistant director can act as the "designee" if the director assigned the assistant as the designee. However, the designee does not have to be the assistant director.


Many schools do not have an Assistant Director. The usual logical choice for designee is the Dean of Education since many of the TWC rules pertain to academics and attendance. Whoever is chosen, the designee must be trained and competent to interact with TWC in the Director's absence.

JP Mehlmann

After the Campus Director and Dean of Education, who would do you recommend be the next in line to assist with a visit?

It depends on your campus staff and their abilities. I would choose the person with the most experience in career education that also has the demeanor and communication skills appropriate for dealing with TWC CSC visitors. This could be a campus manager of a department or possibly an administrative staff member. Whoever you choose, they need to be trained and also you'd want a protocol for them to contact you (and other management/corporate) immediately in the event of an unannounced visit.

JP Mehlmann

No problem from my point of view as a School Director, as long as the Assistant Director has taken the same training that I have and has demonstrated to me in real situations that he or she can interpret regulations properly. Our school is still smaller, therefore the necessity of an Assistant Director does not exist currently. My advantage is that my academic dean has also been an acting School Director in a previous job.

I would agree that the designee needs to be someone who is familair with the educational documents. On my campus our assigned person has gone through the training as well.

I currently have my Student Services Coordinator as my designee, is what ok or should it my Director of Education? He is also and instructor so if I am not available in case of a TWC visit, he could very well possibly be teaching at the time. Which is why I chose the Student Services Coordinator as my designee.

Audrey ,
Excellent question. It is acceptable to have your Student Services Coordinator (or other non-Director of Education) as your designee. There are no specific requirements as to who you choose. The designee must be trained in the TWC CSC rules.

JP Mehlmann

Good question. After the Academic Dean, the Director of Student Affairs is our next logical choice as they have a working knowledge of each dept and work closely with the academic team.

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