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Financial Aid

When a student asks me which is quite often will I get financial aid I am very cautious to what I respond with. My response usually is, Financial Aid is available to those who qualify. For how much I do not know. Our Financial Aid director can better assist you with that process however. Is that proper and in compliance?

Kelly Gibson


Yes, that would be the correct answer. Specific information about financial aid should be given only by financial aid staff.

John Ware


My thought is to let the finance people to what they do best, “Talk about money". The last thing you want to do is put yourself in a compromising position trying to be a help.

Your response seems very compliant, we respond very simialarily. We show a short financial aid video during the interview and follow it up by introducing to the prospect to our Director of Financial Aid for questions.

I think referring a student back to Financial Aid is absolutely the best way to handle that situation. Another suggestion you might give to a student is to make them aware of non-specific (whether academic, athletic, nationality, or interest based) scholarships that are available from various foundations all over the nation. That way, even if they don't qualify for school specific financial aid, they have some other avenues to explore.


I believe you have it right. Only say what you know and are trained in. Admissions and financial aid are two different departments within post-secondary institutions.
I would respond the same as you " Financial aid is available to those who qualify" and then refer the student to a financial planner.


It is clear that only the financial aid professionals are qualified to answer any questions regarding the eligibility for financial aid, grants, or even scholarships. Leave these questions to the pros and respond accordingly without suggesting or even implying that a prospective student will get loans. I would also respond with, "Financial Aid is available to those who qualify" and refer the student to the Financial Aid Department.

Yes, that is in compliance and a great answer also . Your response "Financial aid is available to those who qualify" is actually verbatim from the training handbook.

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