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Over Planning

Is it possible to be over prepared for a crisis? If so what should be the cut off point when setting up a preparation plan?

I believe you can not be over prepared. Keep in mind that crisis comes in different sizes and times. You ability to adapt to the situation calls for your ability to adjust. No plan can be full proof until the time comes and your leadership takes a new role.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I see. So it's a matter of how you approach the crisis?

Logic is often the approach when planning for a crisis action plan. It is still a good idea to use your team to talk about the un-foreseen possibilities. By using your team you can get ownership in the plan and integrity for the plan.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I don't feel like you can ever be over prepared for a crisis espcially within the school setting. There is so much that can and will happen that you really need to make sure that you have planned for all scenerios so that everyone on your team feels like they can deal with and handle each situation that occurs no matter how similar or different the crisis is from your planning.

I agree with you. The key is after you prepare we need to be able to adapt to our circumstances. Not every situation fits exactly our plans.

Dr. Gary Carlson

No I do not believe you can be over prepared. Planning ahead can save you time in every scenerio. Also, an idea that had aros for another crisis might come in handy for the current one.

Yes you are correct. A good plan is one that is looked at and reviewed on a regular basis. Your plan needs to be reviewed by peers to see if there may be anything that may have been left out.

Dr. Gary Carlson

As they say, the more points of view... I think that the piece of mind and confidence that come from knowing you are as prepared as you can be is invaluable. It also shows others in that crisis situation to stay calm.


Hearing from everyone test the process being developed. At the end of the day it helps with complete buy in for the actions.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I think having everyone involved in the plan as well as brainstorming what might go wrong is a great idea. Our company has bi monthly lunch and learn sessions and I think this will be my suggestion for an upcoming one with follow up questionnaires and a committee. As was mentioned the more ideas the better.

Having a plan is important but it is also important to revisit the plan and make necessary adjustments.

Dr. Gary Carlson

I like the bi-monthly lunch and learn meeting idea! We have several different meetings that involve different groups of staff depending on the subject matter, but a regular meeting to help us be more pro-active rather than reactionary to issues, could be a helpful addition to our agenda.

Meetings are only beneficial when topics are pertinent to the stakeholders.

Dr. Gary Carlson

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