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Setting and reaching your goals is the greatest accomplishment!

When a person meets their goal, they feel good about themselves and it builds confidence. It helps a person realize that if they can set their mind to it, it can be acheived.

Very true and I think that on those occasions when a person does not meet their goals (provided they worked as hard as possible) we need to be sure to praise them for their efforts & help them learn from this experience.

yes ,and it keeps people focused on their task, the possitive not the negative, makes for a much nicer day,its something you want to do not have to do,takes the word job out of the day.helps you enjoy what you do for a living by reaching these goals.

When I reflect on the major goals I have accomplished in my life such as 3 educational degrees and 6 marathons, to name a few, I can absolutely say I have more self efficacy, self confidence and enthusiasm to accomplish other goals.

Absolutely & I think the important thing to remember as a manager is to celebrate the accomplishments of your team no matter how small. As a marathoner you know how important it is to start with small goals. You want to cheer them on when they reach the end of the block for the first time, eventually they'll be running that marathon too.

It is a good feeling when you set goals and meet those goals, sometimes even surpassing thos goals.

Setting goals are so important, that according to Motivational Speaker Lou Tice, without them we would die. Setting goals and more importantly reaching those goals give individuals self-satisfaction, pride and confidence.

I agree, plus thats how I feel once I have completed a goal I set for myself.

Any time you set a goal and completes it makes you feel good indeed. And lets you know that you can move forward in you process. Confidence in achieving your goal is a wonderful feeling.

This is very true. Recently a little boy's video was posted on YouTube after learning to ride a bike. It is now a nationwide motivational tool. The little gentlemen basically said if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything; just need confidence.

Great! Unfortunately I think many times we, in leadership, kill the confidence. We either set goals too high so they cannot be achieved, or when someone tries something challenging & they fail (fall off the bike so to speak) we punish them, rather than applauding them for at least trying.

So true Dr. Ryan!
Providing feedback is essential to effectively managing your employees’ performance. Feedback to employees helps improve their performance, decreases turnover, motivates self-improvement, builds trust, and secures documentation for future conversations. When presented in a constructive, non-threatening way feedback can be used to improve team performance. Feedback is one of the cheapest and most powerful management tools we have.
I agree there is time to applaud a solid effort if the effort was consistently there. With that being said, there is the fine line of awarding negative output.
I do "coach coaches" to avoid this use a B.I.T. model (Behavior, Impact, Tomorrow). The BIT model is a structured coaching method that allows you to provide feedback to your advisors using an organized approach.
•Describe the Behavior, not personality traits
•Explain the Impact of what was done well or not done well, because the employee may not realize the fallout of what he/she is doing
•Discuss how it should be done differently Tomorrow
Stick to one positive and one negative feedback no matter what the performance level of the individual.

Yes, I use a very similar model in my coaching, learned from a man named Dr. Ray Jorgensen (Jorgensen Learning Center). I have found the focus on behavior that I have observed & helping the employee to think about the impact as well as describing the impact I see is very powerful.

I agree. I teach a section on goal-setting in one of my classes and students also share how their confidence increases as they realize that they accomplish a goal they have set. We start the unit with writing out a few goals and the "fuzziness" of what students come up with is amazing! Some examples are:

I want to be a better person.

I want to be a good role model for my child.

I want to learn all that I can in this class.

By the end of the week the goal statements are much better and students can see why they have failed in the past! Many also agree that setting and accomplishing goals can be a bit addicting because it is such a great experience.


Hi Linda,

Wow! 6 marathons. That is impressive.

I have run one marathon and didn't have any sort of training plan or schedule for myself. It was a very painful experience and I can clearly see that I didn't not really have a plan for achieving that goal at all. If I get the courage up to run another one I will do a better job of following a plan so I can actually enjoy accomplishing that goal.


I think what I hear you saying here is that often one of the key factors to achieving a goal is creating a well-written goal to begin with. I agree completely!

Dr. Ryan Meers

Yes, following those well written goals you talked about, then we want to have strong plan that moves us forward & that we follow.

Dr. Ryan Meers

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