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They're Always Watching

Just as young children watch and process mentally and emotionally all that their parents say and do, so do our employees. Remember when your child was very young and repeated something you had said, which wasn't very positive? Remeber the realization at that moment of how impressionable our children are? Our employees notice everything about their leader. They notice how we dress, our tone when speaking, our dedication (or lack thereof), our work ethic. So, the next time you just want to leave a few minutes early, or just want to relax into a more casual manner; remember you are the role model. More is expected of you as the leader. Therefore, you must give more, and must be more.

Suzanne Thomas

Ecellent discussion comment. During a workshop I conduct with managers we use this as an analogy point we make during the leadership discussion. The employee will often mimic the behaviors set by their leaders. I completely agree.

I agree with the point of employees always watching your style, delivery and behaviors. They also listen to anything you say and take it at face value. "Do as I say, not as I do" doesn't fly when dealing with other professionals. It is in your best interest to act professional at all times and to treat all employees equally and fairly.

I find it helps to keep this in mind at all times, "What is/was my part in this?" Did I ever give the message [verbally or non-verbally] that such behavior was acceptable? At first it was difficult to model perfect behavior [when for goodness sake do I just get to let my hair down?] But with time and practice it becomes second nature. I alps find it helpful to have a mentor who will give me feedback on my own progress - it takes an outside vision to verify that I am really doing what I think I am.

Yes, very well put. And it's not only what we say and how we say it (tone when speaking, etc), but the very way we carry ourselves--our body language--is being watched and noted.

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