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Two Approaches: Informal and Formal Performance Assessments

What is the difference between an informal performance assessment and a formal performance assessment, and when are each best used?

A formal performance assessment is one that is recorded using the workplace guidelines. It reviews their overall performance.

An informal performance assessment can be done when necessary. A new project may come up that requires goal setting or long term goals may have been established during the formal assessment that require follow up to ensure the employee is successful. In my opinion, the assessment (formal or informal) should always be documented.

When you would use an informal assessment?

Sometimes organizations use informal assessments for more developmental purposes. For example, a formal performance assessment may be done mid year and end of year in order to determine raises, bonuses, or eligibility for promotion. However, an informal performance assessment may be done at any time to help put together a developmental plan for someone as they focus on areas to train, skills to hone, etc. Also, occasionally an informal assessment is done as part of a gap analysis. A gap analysis being when an organization is trying to determine areas, at the org level, that need better combinations of skills. Sometimes though, a gap analysis is done in a more formal fashion.

Informal assessment can be used throughout tghe year to address short term goals and accomplishments.

Formal assessment is used for the yearly assessment - employee self-appraisal, legal document, meeting company's goals and objectives.

I use an informal assessment when to measure performance for a new emplyoyee or an employee that had a fofrmal assessment that indicated need to improve.

I agree with both of these statements. The formal is yearly where I work. It is when I sit down and conduct the annual review outlining the performance of the employee during the course of the previous year. It is a must that there are no surprises during this talk. I think the informal assessments are those touchpoints throughout the year that help to ensure both myself and the employee are on the same page as far as expectations of job performance to ensure there are no surprises during the annual formal review.

An informal performance assesment should be done periodically it is used to inform an employee on your observations and how he or she is doing. This let's the employee know you care and are monitoring there work performance. A formal performance review is basically held once a year and it servs as a evaluation for the years performance and new goals for the upcomming year.

Thanks Jim, very good distinction. I think that the more informal assessments can be used as learning tools and for coaching with plenty of feedback from all concerned.

Jay Hollowell
ML130 Facilitator

For documentation puposes are you using a form or minutes for informal assessments?

Hi Lauren!

Sorry for the delay in responding, been on business travel with limited internet access.

I use a form for informal assessments that are not really in performance appraisal format. Since informal assessments are often spurred by observation or attention in a specific or particular area, I use a simple format that

-briefly describes what the assessment is based on
-describes my observations (but not feelings or reactions)
-provides a place for the staff member to respond and provide feedback
-includes a place where mutual suggestions, solutions, etc. can be given
-concludes with an area of summary, next steps, timeline and accountability parameters

Even though it is an informal assessment, and most likely very specific to one or two areas, I still treat it with great importance and document accordingly.

Thanks for your question; hope this helps!

Jay Hollowell
ML130 Facilitator

A formal performance assessment is one that is usually done once a year and covers all aspect of the job. The goals for all activity are reviewed and goals are set for the next year.

An informal assessment can be done at any time and may cover only one aspect of the position. It could be done when a problem is uncovered or a new aspect or technology is introduced into the position.

A formal assessment should be done at a scheduled time and place. It usually occurs annually or semi-annually and is strictly for assessment purposes. Informal assessments can happen anywhere at any time and are more of a coaching and mentoring session rather than an actual assessment.

I agree with this usage of informal versus formal assessments. Annual reviews are done in our business. Our employees are given a self-evaluation to complete prior to our formal meeting. That self-evaluation is reviewed by myself prior to scheduling our employee formal evaluations.

Informal assessments are those that happen throughout the year to address accomplishments, areas in which to improve, and difficulties employees may be having with attaining goals outlined in formal assessments.

I use the formal appraisal twice a year. These are the appraisals that become a part of the associate's personnel file. The times when annual goals are set.

The informal apprisals are used radnomly throughout the year as a feedback to the associate on a monthly or as desired basis. these are quick check-ups to keep the associate on track for higher performance.

A formal perfornce is when I sit down with my supervise to go over my yearly goals and performances. Informal would be observations in a classroom setting.

An informal performance assessment is a tool used to help develop team members. Each week I am tasked to do observations of employees as they work throughout the day to help identify coaching opportunities. Some coaching takes place in the moment, and some coaching takes place when we review the weeks observations. Using the observations as an informal performance assessment has been very helpful in coaching staff members and setting short and long term goals for the team. The formal performance assessment then is more of a collaboration of everything we have worked on to meet both the company expectations and the employee needs. It sets up a very solid partnership between team members over a longer period of time.

Thanks Barbara,

The outstanding process you have identified is crucial to the real development of an employee's skills and talents. I am convinced that short of the obligatory performance appraisal, many organizations do not effectively utilize the evaluation process as a coaching and learning opportunity for all.

Jay Hollowell

Management including Human resources hold dear the ability to achieve goals. Formalities in both appraisals and steps toward a goal remind management to think, but informal is continual, adjustable, and necessary. Processes, goals, and work activities change demanding change. As Todd contributed, "informal assessments can happen anywhere..." Informal assessments provide opportunities for efficient change.

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