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Empathetic Listening

In my particular Schooling Environment we deal with a large percentage of "Down & Out" types. To truly LISTEN is the most important way of gaining trust so you CAN make a difference in their futures. This course confirmed my understanding on that issue and helps me to continue to want to Really Listen. Thank-you

I totally agree with your statements, If a student doesn't feel as if they are being heard they will not trust you, but once you have the students trust they will confide. This is something that I always find to be true.I have always considered myself a good listner, but this course has given a new idea or two,thanks

This topic has help me understand the need to be an empathic listener especially with the type of students i deal wiyh it can make or break the students interest in comimg to school.

My first experience was from being introduced to and encouraged to practice active listening during a college communications course. I was working unloading trucks at the time and tried it out on a driver who was helping me unload his truck. He talked non stop for two and a half hours while we worked. Afterward he said that he had never told anyone some of the things he said to me that day. Since then I've found that when thing go wrong in my relationships with my wife, my children, my friends, or my students, I can usually trace it back to my forgetting the simple basics of effective listening.

I am hearing that there are a number of down & out and you listening to them is gain trust. That is great

I agree, I even try to listening to the students who are looking for programs that we don't offer.

Listening is something that I feel needs to be emphasised to a greater extent in education. Teaching a student to listen is providing them with a vital tool to accademic and professional success.

I have experienced this with my students,that empathetic listening is the beginning of a great trust and therefore the students are much more inclined to come to class feeling understood.

I totally agree with your statements, A boss employee needs to trust each other

Even as an istructor if the students do not feel
that they can trust you then they do not feel
they can approach you for classroom information
or anything else, and listening to them is as
Diane said the first step to building that trust.

I also teach is a similar environment. Many of our students have never had anyone to listen to them without judgement. Consequently this has greatly affected many of them, to the point that they do not belive in themselves. I have been fortunte to see the end results of emphatic is wonderful to see an individual finally believe in themselves and know that they can be successful!What a wonderful gift this is,emphatic listening pays out in many ways.

I have experienced when working with students, that for the instructor to be attentive and empathetic when listening, it will form the basis for a trusting inter-personal relationship between you as instructor and the students. This course has highlighted this very important issue again, because if the student doesn't trust you, he/she will not confide in you.

Gaining a student's trust through emphathetic listening is the key to connecting with that student.

It is difficult for me to listen to empathetically to my students and still maintain order in my classroom. The demographic that we deal with is mixed but a lot of the students are from troubled background. It is hard to tell when they are being sincere and when they are being manipulative. Some of the excuses that they come up with are outrageous and then there are others that tug at your heart strings.

Sometimes I want to believe them and make special considerations for them as well but then I remember that I have to treat all my students the same. From the ones that lie to me to the ones that are really in distress. I try to listen to what all of them tell me but I make myself go back to the rules of the school and act accordingly no matter how bad for them I feel.

Some students try to get over by telling sob stories. I listen to what they say and although I may feel bad I can't change the rules for them. I offer advise how to help them out but I make sure that all students adhere to the same standards.

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