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Hidden Agendas

I believe that hidden agendas do ruin what’s planned to be a successful meeting. Meetings should be well planned and organized, but from time to time the person conducting the meeting looses the reigns due to hidden agenda topics that want to be discussed by other people attending the meeting. This training is definitely going to be a useful tool.

Santigao I agree with you that somtimes there are hidden agendas. Having the agenda outline before the meeting will help with keeping the reigns. I find it very helpful to go over the purpose and objective of the meeting. This will keep all attendees focused and heading in the right direction.

They ruin things

People with hidden agendas are individualist not a team player. Yes it ruins things for team especially when the team is working on a common goal.

I agree with getting the hidden agendas out there but not much meeting time should be spent on the individual's one-on-one at a later date.

One of the challenges is to confront the hidden agendas of those who schedule the meetings, create the agenda, and hold the reins. Their interest is more in telling than listening, in driving rather than collaborating, and emitting authority rather than leading. They waste time and create hostile environments.

In one personal case the offender was promoted and the practice insulated to the institution...I found a new home. In another case, the offender was confronted privately first and finally by a small group of peers, and the offender left the institution and was hired with a promotion at a competitor. In both situations, the offender found an institutional reward.

Has anyone else worked in similar environments? Was there resolution that did not reward the offenders?

I think hidden agenda can ruin meetings and building agenda

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