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Does tone matter when communicating via e-mail or verbal?

I think its important to make sure that you review the tone of an email before hitting the send key. We may type one thing, but mean another, so its vital to make sure that the emnail reads the way we think we wrote it.

Tone does make a difference! For example with e-mail:

Call when you can (indicates no urgency)
and means something different when you write:
CALL WHEN YOU CAN (indicates an urgency-all caps)

E-mails should be carefully thought out and reviewed before sending- like my employer reminds us daily (seems like)- with everything we write to think how we would feel if it was enlarge and presented in court.

Yes, once again, it is always important to REVIEW prior to hitting the send button.

I believe it matters in both situations. The "tone" of a letter can be negative/positive as well as verbal tone can be negative/positive.

Also very important to make sure what you have written is very clear, as someone else's perception of what you have written can easily differ from the message you intended to get across

I guess emoticons were born in e-mail because there was a need for tone which could not be transmitted electronically any other way.

I believe it does. The tone of someones voice tells alot

Definitely does. The tone is very important in any type of communications

Definitely. It is very easy to take for granted the influence body language has in communication. Even over the phone, one's tone can be more easily misinterpreted than when communicating face-to-face, though it's certainly better than via email. I find it's best to be almost "overly" polite (if that's possible) when emailing. It's as if the "overcompensation" levels out by the time the message reaches its destination! I frequently re-read my emails several times before I send them, especially if they are particularly sensitive in nature. However, if that's the case, communicating in person is best if possible.

I definitely agree :)

Tone can make all the diffrence. It can make people more/less comfortable in face to face interaction. In some cases if tone, or attittue is too laid back on an issue, it would not be taken as seriously if it was made clear the importance. Vise versa.

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