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Simple & straight to the point. Email's are like texts you can loose the context in both, people's personalities are different so that must also be taken into thought of writing an email. The shorter it is hopefully they will not take out of context. Try to use a "good morning / afternoon to the people you are sending & end with a thank you look forward to hearing back from you "

I find that reading something out loud will often tell me how it might sound to another person. Often, reading it out loud will alert you to things that don't sound right and will end up confusing the reader.

Aspects to consider when ensuring a delivered communication is not misunderstood is to make sure the message is not too lengthy, disorganized, or contains errors. Also there needs to be an understanding of the culture of the audience being addressed.

There are many aspects to consider to assure that communication is properly understand. One of the most important is knowledge of the reader, what he/she knows (or doesn't know) about the topic, and his or her level of understanding. This information is what directs me more than anything else when crafting a communication, because it can have bearing on tone of delivery, method, language used, level of detail, and so on. I think of that old saying about the "customer comes first" and change it to "the reader comes first" when writing any form of document.

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