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Leading and Motivating

The best motivation for any team is leading by example. Don't ever expect your team to do anything that you're not willing to do yourself. The team is dependant on the leaders expertise and their strength to lead the team.

I agree & the leader also needs to know when to step out of the way & let the team do the work that they are trained to do.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Any experienced leader has learned that leading by example is one of the best qualities that employees look for and will follow. Being positive and staying focused through the tough times can be challenging for even the most enthusiastic. Our team members look to their managers for direction and inspiration, my job is to ensure my managers can maintain their own positivity.
I have had the opportunity to help a manager through a personal crisis that could have affected her team. Listening was the best thing I could do, other than offer some time away and to assist in coverage of the team. This manager rallied and is a huge asset, very grateful for the shoulder I was able to give in a sad time of her life. I know she will pass this along to her group if they ever need the same consideration.

yes, this is a great story & illustration of what we should be doing as a leader.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I agree with this statement. In my case I make sure that if I am asking someone to do something that it is something I am willing or able to do. If it is not something I am willing or able to do I give them the option to not do what I am asking of them.

I completely agree that leadership by example is very effective and typically creates a positive energy.  I also find that Service Leadership, which was not mentioned in the Leading & Motivating module, has proven to be successful in developing functional, rewarding, and lasting professional relationships, both with internal and external stakeholders.  On a larger scale, if we're including long-term vision as part of good leadership, I think we'd be remiss to overlook good service leadership. 


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