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Project Management Role

I have yet to handle a project on my own. Though I understand most of the aspects for managing a project, I still have my reservations. Are there any books out there that might make me feel a bit more comfortable with the entire process, or is it more of a trial by fire?


Great question and while it may not seem like a "project" have you ever worked on a task or project that required a significant amount of planning, time, effort and coordination to complete it? Think about it, most people are engaged in project management whether they realize it or not on a regular basis. At any rate, there is a tremendous amount you can learn through material like books. To some degree it is trial by fire in the sense that you'll certainly learn as you go and apply various techniques and theories. Having said that I'd invite you to apply the tools to "lower stake" settings where it is OK to experiment with the approach. There may even be opportunities to do this in your personal life. There are many excellent books out there. From a process perspective make sure you're up to speed on the PMBOK. There are some great reference materials and texts that are widely used like books by Harold Kerzner. Also, even a little pocket guide on project management like the memory jogger can provide important reminders and a good overview of the approach. Have fun learning!

Dr. Eric Goodman

Me too I have never handled a programme as the leader I still have difficulties in doing it

Thanks Thomas and like anything it is a situation where you have to start somewhere. I'd invite you to explore some of the resources I mentioned and find an opportunity with a "lower stakes" project where you can learn from experience. Best wishes!

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