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Blind spot for grading information

Blind spot for grading information
How many times have you received an email from a student who is upset that although s/he spent hours to complete an assignment, the grade awarded was not deemed acceptable from the student’s viewpoint?
This is where feedback plays a vital role – feedback that moves a student forward, helps the student accomplish the task at hand and prepares them for workforce challenges. Though not always easy, providing feedback that includes elements of encouragement, know-how and mentorship – and that doesn’t damage a student’s self-esteem - is often a high-wire balancing act.
Students often ignore rubrics and focus on the wording of the assignment. Making sure the rubric makes sense with regard to the assignment requirements is crucial
Take time to consider how this advice may be useful in future student communications. What is the best way to apply and adapt this concept?


You are so right. Feedback plays an essential role in the communication process. We have to use the feedback to motivate students and communicate the high expectations in our course. Thanks!

Hi Sabrina,
This is a great discussion about feedback to students. Great feedback does help the student for the future. I will apply this knowledge with my students.


Kim and Sabrina,

Thanks for adding to the conversation. Meaningful feedback is the key!

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