Various courses, various rubrics...
Most of the courses I teach have a subjective element to them (viscomm, for those I much prefer a very loose rubric. Perhaps splitting the total points into 3 or 4 sections with the overall assignment parameters, allowing quite a bit of subjectivity and preventing students 'checking the boxes'. On the flip side though, for scripting/programming or IT related courses, rubrics are great and the more detailed the better; in those cases, 1+1 doesn't equal blue, like in viscomm, but 1+1 equals 2 and the rubrics speed grading where subjectivity doesn't come into play.
That said, I've been in both types of courses with the opposite types of rubrics and it proved the exact opposite of helpful, rather, it caused confusion, hurt feelings and grade challenges when 1+1=canary in an IT course.